Collaborating with Hysterical Lunatics
Hey Yogis, I’ve got some exciting news! Tybee Yoga and Healing Arts will be collaborating with Hysterical Lunatics to provide some uplifting content to our regularly scheduled yoga classes in 2023 on the full moon! Classes will be part of a 25 class series that Samantha and Kierstin have planned out for empowering women and helping them to tune into the tools of nature, breath, movement, yoga and meditation! The first in this series will be on the beach with us at our next full moon gathering!
“Hysterical Lunatics” is a women’s empowerment group that will be meeting regularly. If interested in joining the group head on over to the Event Brite page for more info. Your sign up for the group includes our full wolf moon yoga class with the full wolf moon meetup directly after. Full moon yoga participants are not required to join the group or buy the kit and can donate what they can on the day of class but will not receive the kit.
Im excited to move and breathe with you by the sea on Jan 5th! Class starts at 5:00 PM and we will be on the beach at Mermaid Point, closest to 18th street.
Link below: To purchase manifestation kit and class.
Link below: For more info on Hysterical Lunatics