Feel Good Fundraiser for our friends in Asheville, NC!
Join us for a special afternoon of all things FEEL GOOD! We will gather to raise funds and raise high vibes for our Asheville friends! Sunday, November 17th from 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm at the Hotel Tybee Grandview Event Center.
Im so excited to get some wonderful health and wellness practitioners from our area together for an afternoon of feel good activities!
Feel Good Lineup
12:15 PM Qigong w/ Dr. Beth Martin, DVM https://www.instagram.com/memdvm93/
1:15 PM Gentle Hatha Yoga w/ Dannette of Tybee Yoga and Healing Arts https://www.tybeeyogahealingarts.com/
2:15 PM 5Rhythms (Dance) w/ Dana Danielson of Soul Waves Studio https://www.soulwavesstudio.com/5rhythms
3:15 PM Immersive Sound Journey w/ Jacilyn Ledford of Wind Over Heaven https://windoverheaven.com/ & w/ Angela Lightsey of Tybee Wellness Retreats https://tybeewellnessretreats.com/
All ticket sales and vendor booth fees will be donated to Asheville's River Arts District Foundation for their Hurricane Relief Fund. https://www.riverartsdistrict.com/donate/
You may join us as a GUEST to explore classes and local vendors all focused on supporting your lifestyle of Feeling Good. Just buy your ticket / donate here at this site (choose your donation amount) and show up for any classes you'd like to attend as well as spend time meeting vendors of various kinds.
Or you may join us as a VENDOR to share your services or products related to Wellness or Creative / Arts or even just good food or drinks! Apply at this link https://forms.gle/6uThpw75LBYKweho7 first, if you are interested in being a Vendor at this event. (We will send you info about payment after we approve your application.) Space is limited so we encourage you to apply soon!
Your donation is your ticket to the event! So each person wanting to attend should make a donation. Once you have purchased/donated we will have you on our list to attend the event. You may then show up and tell us your name at the door or even save the email with your donation.
You get to choose your donation / ticket price option: $30, $50 or fill in a greater amount. You do NOT have to attend if you donate, but we sure hope you will! If you should choose to donate a much larger amount and want it to be tax deductible, please reach out to us and we will send you that link and put you on our Event List manually. You can email us at FeelGoodSav@gmail.com